Travel is really ramping up. We couldn’t be more thrilled, and we know you’re excited too. We can tell because the requests are flying in as our travelers seek the freedom of an open world once more. We’re so happy to orchestrate your trips of a lifetime, and there are some words to the wise we want to share to make the process as smooth as possible. Depending on when you last traveled internationally, things might be a lot different than you remember.

First, there are ever-changing entry protocols individual countries have put in place. Thankfully, they have started to become less onerous of late, but you’ll still want to consult with your travel advisor to make sure you’re meeting your destination’s requirements.

Second, we’re all eager to go globetrotting again, to head to the World Cup in Qatar or to the rescheduled Oberammergau Passion Play or whatever trip it is you’ve been dreaming of for two years or longer. It’s so exciting to get back out there! We do need to remember that even the most popular destinations have had very few visitors the last couple of years. That means suppliers in those countries have been working with skeleton crews and are bringing new people on to handle the influx of travel requests. Tour operators, hotels, cruise lines, they might all be playing catch-up for a while.

We will always advocate for our travelers and work to get you the best service possible in a timely manner. What you can do to ensure the best experience possible is plan as far in advance as you can. We understand schedules can change and a lot of things are in flux in your lives too. Give as much information as you can, and we’ll try to get a jump on things to secure space and start designing your journey. Cancellation policies are still pretty flexible, so we can adjust plans as needed.

Crafting an unforgettable trip takes time to get the details just right, and right now it takes a little longer than you might be used to. The more notice we have the better job we can do for you. Working together, we’ll make your trip of a lifetime memorable for all the right reasons.